Video of Solving the Eng Strategy crisis.
A few weeks ago, I shared my script for my latest talk, Solving the Engineering Strategy crisis, which I gave at QCon last week. They’ll have the conference video up in a few weeks, but I also decided to do a recording of the final version (albeit a few weeks after the talk, so definitely a bit less practiced than the live edition).
You can watch that video on YouTube.
As mentioned, I don’t think I was quite as practiced in this was as ideal, but would have probably never have gotten it done if I waited to practice back up, so there it is.
Before the conference, I thought it would be interesting to record a series of practice runs I did leading up to it, which you can watch here:
It’s worth noting that I reworked the final section a fair bit after the third practice run because (as shown in these final slides, because it wasn’t flowing as well as I would have liked, but the content is fundamentally unchanged, just delivered more clearly in the final section. The first 40 minutes of the talk are essentially unchanged, although certainly a talk of this length is a bit different each time it’s delivered.
I’m still avoiding most public speaking, have just run out of time a bit with work and finishing up the next book, but it was hard to turn down the opportunity to do a keynote at the same conference where I did my first public talk.