Back in Action
Its been a long time since I have been able to put together any entries. It was just a bit beyond me for the past six weeks or so. Its taken that long to figure out the new pieces of my life. I take a while to adapt sometimes, especially to situations that are pretty far outside of my previous life experiences. This was one of those times.
I graduated from college about five months ago, and working as an Assistant Language Teacher is my first real job. (Although some would disparage it as a real job, the 'realness' or perhaps 'level of realosity' of the job depends entirely on the school(s) you end up teaching at.) This is also my first time living alone. My first time paying bills. My first time getting paid, as a friend of mine described it, adult level income. Everyone I have previously known is a twelve hour plane ride away, and everyone around me is fluent in a language I am barely conversational in, and--for the most part--they are not conversational in English.
I signed up for all of this, so I can hardly claim naivity in coming here. But, I sure as hell didn't have a clue what it all meant. Its one thing to intelectually understand something will happen, and its an entirely different sensation to live it.
Now things are coming together. I am, for the most part, no longer going to bed nervous. Nor getting to school nervous and angry. Planning lessons for the elementary schools is much less intimidating, and I understand my role at my middle schools much better (what role?). All in all, I am finally getting comfortable dealing with real problems that are not manufactured for testability, but are the consequence of needing to satisfy a need. Formal schooling is criminally lacking in helping students prepare for real situations.
My point is that I have a lot of things going well in my life. And that with the things going well, I am aligned for beginning to post on the blog again, and also for getting back into programming too. I finally have regained enough stability in my life to concentrate, and this blog will be receiving much more attention that it has for a long time.
(Maybe I'll even fix the silly crashing bug dealing with Django, Python eggs, and mod_python. I am seriously considering switching over to fcgi via nginx. We'll see.)