A Picture of a Couple
One picture can tell a number of stories, if you're willing to let it. In the same way, one picture won't tell any stories if you're not particularly interested. I took this picture of a friend and a girl he was interested in about a month ago, and at the time it was a bit of an interesting picture for me (I enjoy playing around with focusing), but wasn't necessarily a standout that screamed for individual attention.
However, at a latter point, the friend mentioned that the first thing that really drew him to her was her brightness. Not necessarily, as one might cheerfully assume, the brightness of her personality or an aura of kindness that danced in the shadows surrounding her, but a slightly more literal sense of it: red hair and a wardrobe filled with strong colors.
After hearing that, I felt like this picture was somehow a perfect portrait of the two of them together. There he stands in the center of the picture, surrounded by her bright red glow.